Monday, November 21, 2005

Week 3 Check In

This week I did morning pages 6 out of 7 days. They are getting to be a good habit and are fun to do most mornings. I missed Sunday morning.

For my Artist's Date I went to a local craft show. It was a bust. UGH! I have never seen so many weird crocheted things in my life. But I guess it is ok to have a bust on an Artist's Date. This week I hope to go to the beach... I am also going to attend The Nutcracker. That will be a ton of fun, since I used to (many many years ago) do The Nutcracker every year.

I did make a list of people who nurture me. That was pretty interesting. I even had lunch with one of them and talked on the phone to another a few times. In fact, she helped me solve a huge problem that was keeping me from working.

Here are the people I admire (from task 8): Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Jinney Beyer, Mitch Albom, and Lynne Cheney. I know you are thinking, Hillary Clinton and Lynne Cheney? But both are strong very educated women who stand up for their convictions. It doesn't matter that I agree with one and not the other. And they are both huge advocates for education, which is one of my passions. I admire Jinny Beyer because she is a quilter who is not afraid of math. I think women need to see women who are not afraid of math. And, I like Mitch Album because he steps outside his box. He is a sports reporter, and I love him on ESPN's The Sports Reporters on Sunday mornings. He always sounds so educated. (Oops, there's that word again...) But he also writes mainstream books that are loved by many. So I like that he stepped outside of sports and reached a lot of people.

From Task 9: People I want to hang out with... John Lennon, Princess Diana, my grandmother when she was in high school or newly married, Mary Cassatt, and Einstein.

Ok, that is my check in for this week. Sorry it is a day late.

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