Monday, November 12, 2007

The Ballet Mothers' Guild Changes Names

When we were growing up, my sisters and I all took ballet classes. Each year, for many years, we were in a local production of The Nutcracker. My parents volunteered for the production--my dad worked on the sets and helped run the production back stage. My mom sewed many costumes. One year, my dad even recruited my grandpa to help back stage. They needed someone to work the pulley to make the tree grow.

For some reason, the group of moms meeting about the production needed a name, and they were called The Ballet Mothers' Guild. Well, my mom was a college professor. She did not have a lot of spare time on her hands. Not that my dad did, either. So they split all of these parenting things pretty much down the middle. So my dad started attending the Ballet Mothers' Guild meetings. And it brought about the name change. It was changed to the Ballet Parents' Guild. And suddenly, a lot more dads started attending. My parents were pioneers.

Since I went back to work, my husband has been doing a lot more of the parenting things. He has taken kids for check-ups. He attends things at school when I cannot. (Although I must say my supervisors are very good at making sure I can attend many school functions.) While I don't think he will be making any costumes for Seussical, (if Alex has a part because he didn't check today,) I know he will volunteer in some way or another. Especially since it is in between soccer seasons.

1 comment:

javamamma said...

It's a blessing to have a husband that doesn't leave all the child rearing to 'mom'. I got myself one of those good guys too!

Cool story about the Ballet Parent's Guild!