Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Clearing History

I have been really upset this week. I have been uptight and out of sorts. I just realized what it was. I started reading a blog about school policies and testing. It is a subject I am interested in. What I didn't realize, because I didn't look closely enough, was that the writer had an agenda to abolish public education. On Monday, she started using the tragedy at the Amish School to explain why people should not attend public school. This reasoning really upset me. And, like an idiot, I kept going back to the blog to read what the author was saying and what comments were coming up. Well, I just cleared the history on my browser. I have no idea what the web address for this blog is, and I will never read it again. I feel like a new person.

I am going back to reading about quilting and the lives of the quilters I have come to think of as friends. It isn't that I don't want to read opposing points of view. It isn't that I don't want to read what reasonable people are thinking. I have especially enjoyed Dorothy's blog this week. She and I tend to be on the same side of the political fence. But I have also, in the past, enjoyed reading Teri's blog on political stuff, and she and I tend to be polar opposites. I am very intrigued by Teri's miniatures, by the way. I was very uplifted by Tracey's blog this week, and am so glad that she is fine. She and I are the same age, pretty much, so her health issue put my taking my health for granted in perspective. And, when my fridge died, I thought of Rebecca's post from September 18th and decided that a broken fridge wasn't so bad after all. Oh, and I love the shirt Debra and her mom are making. Jane Ann's post about talking Southern really made me laugh. As a person who is considered a Southerner up North and a Yankee down South, it really struck me as funny. No, I am sure I don't have an accent!

Tonight, while I watch Lost, I will finish the binding on my brown bag lady quilt. Tomorrow, I will get the twins' quilts layered, and maybe visit JoAnn's for some black fabric to make the boys' NFL quilts. And Friday, I will get my hair cut. Too bad he doesn't work in a full service salon anymore because I could use a spa pedicure. Just to make my life easier, I am sending my first quilt to a long arm quilter. I just need to get up the nerve to do it. (The quilt is not the first quilt I ever made, just the first quilt to get sent out. Don't want to confuse anyone. The first quilt I ever made, well, I may finish it one day.)

And I will continue to enjoy Dorothy's trip through Vermont. And I will start reading the John Adams book because I have a huge thirst for historical knowledge right now.


Jane Ann said...

"No, I am sure I don't have an accent!" You just keep your little fantasies, honey.

As for the upsetting blog, I like to think I'm open-minded, but I know I'm not really. Tennessee has been a red state too long for me--I feel on the defensive all the time. I've learned to let sleeping bile lay and just not subject myself to philosphies I know I will never--in a hundred years--agree with. (Nor am I foolish enough to think I will ever change anyone else's mind myself.) Maybe I get more like Scarlett O'Hara every day.

Anonymous said...

Just do it! {wink}

You really gotta watch what you are reading in cyberspace - there is no editor... (I know there is a crazy lady living in my brain, I don't need to add to it. I'll stick to quilting and crafting. At least here I know that if someone says a quilt has to be hand quilted that they are full of spit.)

Anonymous said...

I understand, in a way, about reading the blog that upset you. I know some of the artquilters' blogs that upset me (so egocentered) so I avoid them. I like living in my own little bubble of a world.

By the same token, people may get tired of my efforts for Quilts of Valor or the Afghans for Afghans movement. If so, there are plenty of other blogs to read.

Blogs can be time-consuming. I find my time is best spent reading my friend's blogs and not getting into unknown territory. Just call me PollyAnna.